bourgeois gal

the day to day life of me, the bourgeois gal. this blog is a space for me to write about my daily life, including my vegan and vegetarian cooking, baking, and dining experiences, the research I do, the travel I embark upon, and other random things in this little thing we call life.

January 12, 2011

365 Pictures--A two-day update...

This week, I need to mix up the 365 picture project. One of my colleagues--a faculty and my department and someone I am honored to call a friend--is doing an art project that I will blog about (and participate in) later today (patience, my darlings). Thus, in the meantime, I'm posting two pictures here for this week...

The first picture was taken Monday the 10th at the Pittsburgh,PA airport. Note that this picture isn't unlike many that people take: I'm standing in the gate area, looking out the window at the plane that I'm scheduled to board. I suppose the difference, and perhaps the reason I decided on this picture (instead of one of the others I took that day) is the snow....I love, love, love the snow. I know: it's cold, it makes people cranky, it's just snow....but, I still love it.

And, to follow up after a day (really, an evening) of travel, I thought I'd post a picture of my (already messy) workspace at home. The comfort of writing from my desk, looking out the window, sitting in my comfortable chair....these are just some of the things I missed about being away for a short while., and I can easily add that I'm not only happy to be back in this space, but I'm grateful for the time away AND I'm looking forward to a stretch of productivity...

Happy days.

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